Teachings on Prayer . . .
Trinity Evangelical Free Church
900 S Wabasha - PO Box 505
Plainview, MN 55964
Phone: (507) 534-4147
Unanswered Prayer 9/1/2002
Intercessory Prayer: Doing God's Work 9/15/2002
Risking Disappointment over Disbelief John 14:1-15 9/29/2002
United Prayer: An Essential, Not an Extra 3/14/2004
Christ, The Head of a Praying Household 6/13/2004
House of Prayer 2008 Matthew 21:12-17 1/13/2008
Prayer: The Pathway to Peace Philippians 4:6-7 1/11/2009
How to Pray When You Don't Know How to Pray 2/8/2009
A.S.K. Matthew 7:7-11 2/15/2009
Prayer: Pursuing the Peace & Power of God's Presence 1/16/2011