Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat

Join us as we trace the thread of God’s redeeming work in rescuing and restoring sinners like Rahab, sinners like us.

10:00 am: Fellowship/ice breaker
10:30 am: Worship
10:45 am: Session 1
11:15 am: Small group discussion / prayer
Noon: LUNCH (bring-your-own packed lunch & snacks to share)
1:00 pm: Hike/explore or sit/visit
2:30 pm: Worship
2:45 pm: Session 2
3:15 pm: Small group discussion / prayer
4:00 pm: Personal testimonies of redemption
5:00 pm: Head to Rochester for dinner out together for those who are comfortable

Rain Location: Trinity Evangelical Free Church

Cost: $10, includes a cute custom *t-shirt and goodie bag!

*Please RSVP by FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND to secure a shirt. Chester Woods Park entry is currently free, yay! (so just drive by slow upon entering park)

All ladies high school and up are welcome, bring a friend!

Please register here: https://forms.gle/iYMcYf8zfUpAkJvr9